Our site is a travel experience blog about world-wide vacation and holiday destinations, along with, travel tips and recommendations from an Irish, Dublin couple's perspective URL:- https://www.justretired50plus.com
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Who are we
Just Retired 50 + until the grave
(All of our trips are taken at our own expense and time. All opinions and recommendations expressed are our own, devoid of any possible coercive sponsorship or advertising funding.)
In your teens and twenties you are time rich and generally cash poor and free to do whatever you want to do, if only you had the cash.
In your mid 50s upwards you are generally time rich and hopefully at last have put aside some savings. If you research and plan well, it is possible to shop around and get really good value for money. It is important to work within your budget. There are travel deals out there, it is just a matter of persevering to find them. Alternately, you can wait and let the inheritance taxman deal with it !
If you started family young like us or have no family or like us were relieved of parental caring responsibilities due to their early passing (another reminder to do it while you can), then re-adopt your 20 year old free spirit and go for it.
Luckily during the 2000s we as an Irish couple did not succumb to the lure of over investment in property etc, which devastated the retirement pot for many.
Our short videos are our experience of different holiday types since we were 50 (back in 2006).
We decided back then to travel widely and to prioritise travel as the next stage in our lives.
If any of our videos can be of use to the viewer then great. If of no use to you then rest assured we enjoyed all the holiday types featured.
In fact, we liked them so much that we both retired aged 60 (2016 -2017) to really concentrate on vacationing.
Some people our age swear by the bar stool experience. Others the cruising experience and even more prefer the garden and the television as a means of achieving fulfillment.
We prefer to embrace all of the above interspersed with frequent trips far and wide.
Over the years we have visited over 40 countries. Some of these maybe of interest to you.
Our JustRetired50+ videos and still image montages all have the same naming structure:-
The Country Name - type (Business or Pleasure) Activity Level (AL 1 to 10) - Trip structure (Group, self directed, all inclusive etc) Region of the country we visited.
If there is a PodCast available of the blog itself, then, the same thematic naming structure will have an additional (PC) short for PodCast extension.
We will always try to leave the viewer with our sense of the place, some of our recommendations for things to do and finally our stand out must see if you ever find yourself in that place.

Get to know us...short video
Our website is:- https://www.justretired50plus.com (Travel Blog)
https://www.justretired50plus.ie ( Retirees Lifestyle Blog )
In Youtube search for. JustRetired50_plus
In web google search for. justretired50Plus
Email is. Archie_JustRetired50_Plus@justretired50plus.com
Our website is:- https://www.justretired50plus.com
Our Youtube is:- @justretired50_plus
Our Instagram is:- @justretired50+ ( 2 accounts (A) justretired50_plus (B) justretired50plus )
Our twitter is:- @justretired50
Our Pinterest is :- https://www.pinterest.ie/archie_justretired50_plus/travels-justretired50plus/
Our facebook is:- Archie_justretired50_Plus@justretired50plus.com
LinkedIn:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/archie-donovan-90726813/
Or simply, use the Social Media icon links, visible in the footer on each page of our website.