Our site is a travel experience blog about world-wide vacation and holiday destinations, along with, travel tips and recommendations from an Irish, Dublin couple's perspective URL:- https://www.justretired50plus.com
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Our 5 top tips for choosing a holiday destination

Ask yourself the 5 most obvious questions first :-
What is my budget ? (Consider deals and off peak travel)
What activity level am I able for on a holiday ? (Best resources for information are travel blogs from people who have been there already)
What time of year do I want go ? (peak times are dearer, so go outside of the school holiday periods)
Are there any plans that I can make ? (Brainstorm proposed activities)
Will I be safe ? (Consider weather, local events, visas, medical & travel insurance….Stay Safe)
What is it that you like to get from a holiday ?
Reflect back on your previous holidays to see what it was that made you enjoy it and just as importantly, itemise the things that you felt detracted from your enjoyment.
Travelling buddies ?
Are you travelling alone. If so, you will have to be happy in your own company.
Otherwise, you could join other singles on a group holiday. Top tip, go the extra mile and pay the single supplement to have your own room (sanctuary).
One way or the other you have to be conscious of the holiday expectations of your travelling companion/s. It is a rare thing to get a total alignment of expectations across an entire group. Your eventual choice of travel partner can often decide the success or failure of the holiday, so choose wisely.
The big question to ask yourself is what type of holiday do I want ?
To go on an adventure holiday;
To get away from it all……….wilderness, mountains, outback etc.,;
A relaxing holiday where I will be pampered……….all inclusive or do it yourself;
To get out of my comfort zone with something I have never experienced before;
To take a learning holiday, such as a new language or a new activity;
To be part of a totally pre-organised tour;
Or, any mixture/combination of the above.
Only when you have answered questions like these, can you choose a holiday destination to give you the experience you really want.