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JustRetired50Plus hotel changes in a COVID-19 world
We were originally tentative about any type of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, having seen the changes that COVID approved hotels have made in response to the pandemic, we feel better reassured about our safety while travelling and the safety of the various hotel staff within these hotels. Pushing out holidays until 2021 from 2020 and travel vouchers are now the new norm.
At the time of writing (Oct - Nov 2020), Ireland was in level 3 lockdown restrictions, with foreign travel still allowed. In January 2021, Ireland was placed in level 5 lockdown restrictions, with foreign travel legally forbidden.
We decided to travel to St Lucia in the Caribbean during Oct - Nov 2020. This trip necessitated a short flight from Dublin to London, Gatwick. An overnight stay in an airport hotel, followed by a direct flight from London to St Lucia.
Prior to our trip, we had to secure travel approval from the St Lucian government website. This entailed making an online application stipulating which COVID approved hotel we were going to stay at. On verifying our travel plans, we were issued with travel authorisation certificates. Allied to these certificates we were required to have certified proof of a negative PCR COVID test, taken within seven days prior to our arrival in St Lucia.

On landing at St Lucia airport, all passengers are screened and temperature tested before gaining entrance to the terminal building. If a passenger has a temperature spike then they are swab tested on the spot and quarantined until another negative result is achieved. If a positive result is returned then the passenger is denied entry into St Lucia.
Our COVID approved hotel was Sandals Grande on the northwest coast of the island. We have stayed there previously prior to the advent of the pandemic.
The following is a listing of the changes that have taken place at the hotel in order to achieve their COVID isolation approval status:-
The cleanliness of the entire hotel has always been excellent. This cleanliness level has now been made much more overt and prominent.
Entire hotel property
All staff at the hotel are required, at all times, to wear face masks;
All rooms are deep cleaned and sealed prior to a new guests arrival;
All guests must wear masks in enclose communal areas;
Guests if they so wish, may wear face masks for the entirety of their stay, without looking out of place;
Staff are now continually sanitising and stream cleansing furniture and fittings;
All hotel rooms are deep cleaned, UV light tested and then sealed awaiting the guests arrival;
Varying room cleaning regimes are available to suit the guests requirements;
Hand washing stations and sanitisation have been installed at the entry to all closed environment areas throughout the hotel;
No guests are allowed off the property except on approved hotel run trips;
All hotel lifts are limited to two passengers only;
All restaurant menus are now laminated and sanitised after each use;
All cutlery is no longer laid out on the table but instead it is pre-wrapped in cloth serviettes;
No vendors are allowed on the hotel beach;
Transit to and from the airport is by approved certified taxi only.

Spiting into diving masks is not allowed;
All diving masks have to be keep in a diver’s individual soap bucket;
Individual lunch boxes are now provided, instead of the previous equal access universal tray of food;
all equipment must be separated and sanitised in the extra sanitising bins;
More social distancing on board, is advised, where possible.
All staff at the hotel are required, at all times, to wear face masks;
Hand washing station and sanitisation have been installed at the entry to the gym;
Social distancing, is advised, where possible;
Only six people at any one time are allowed in the enormous floor exercise room;
All equipment are sanitised regularly by staff;
It is advised that gym users sanitise all equipment before and after use;
All gym towels are sealed in plastic bags prior to use;
All staff at the Cap Estate 18 hole golf club are required, at all times, to wear face masks;
Hand washing station and sanitisation have been installed at the entry to the golf club;
Social distancing, is advised, where possible;
Golfers are transported to/from the golf club from the hotel by approved coach;
There is a concerted effort by the golf club to keep all golfers in an outdoor environment, even during the time sheet processing stage.
Golfers are advised to use individual caddy cars where possible.

All staff at the hotel are required, at all times, to wear face masks;
Hand washing station and sanitisation have been installed at the entry to the spa;
Social distancing, is advised, where possible;
All client must wait for their appointments in an outdoor space.
Our COVID-19 travel advice for your return journey when your holiday is over:-
Prior to our return trip, we had to make an online application stipulating which COVID approved hotel we were going to stay at. On verifying our travel plans, we were issued with a Public Health Passenger Locator Form from the UK Visas and Immigration department.
(Be advised that all English hotels are forbidden from accepting guests other than essential workers and those travelling for work exclusively). You should endeavour if at all possible, to book your connection flights on the same day as your arrival, so as not to need hotel accommodation.
Prior to our return trip from London to Dublin, we had to make an online application stipulating which COVID approved accommodation we were going to stay at. On verifying our travel plans, we were issued with a Passenger Locator Form from the Irish Government.
(Be advised that given the state of legislative flux that has been caused, as a direct result of COVID19, varying and different restrictions and requirements apply in different countries).