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We spent twelve days visiting the many tourist attractions along the route covering Nashville, Memphis, Jackson, New Orleans, Houston and ending up on the Mayan Dude Ranch near San Antonio.
Link to still image montage of road trip from Nashville to San Antonio visit:-
Nashville to San Antonio (Texas) 2018
We visited in April 2018 for a 12 day road-trip. The climate was perfect for travelling. Nashville was alive with a great buzz. We managed to get tickets for the Grand Ole Oprey on Saturday night, with eight wonderful performances. On then to Memphis where we visited Sun City and got a guided tour of the Gipson guitar factory. Really impressed with Gracelands, which conjured up lots of fond memories of the Elvis days. Lots to see in New Orleans from ghost tours at night to enjoying the on-street music. Attended the opening day of the New Orleans Music Festival, with Sting putting on a wonderful performance as the closing act.
Headed to the Houston Space Centre and then on to a few days stay in the amazing Mayan Dude Ranch near San Antonio.
Sense of Nashville to San Antonio (Texas) 2018
During our trip we drove over 2500 miles by road. Great variety and lots to do and see along the way. Having a satnav in imperative.
Recommendations for Nashville to San Antonio (Texas)
There is no language barrier, if you speak English. So it lends itself to undertaking a self-directed trip. Everywhere is well signed and US drivers are courteous on the road. Albeit a satnav is advisable.
Our must see recommendation for a trip from Nashville to San Antonio.
We thoroughly enjoyed our road trip and wouldn’t change anything. Some of the stand-outs are:
(1) The Grand Ole Oprey show in Nashville
(2) The tours of Sun City and Gracelands
(3) The New Orleans Music Festival
(4) Our stay at the Mayan Dude Ranch
As always, the people we met along the way, enriched the whole experience.
“You should travel away from home, to really appreciate the value of what you have at home, on your return.”
“Happiness is found in the journey and rarely in the destination, alone.”

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