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USA - Leisure-(AL 7) Self Directed Carolinas to Galapagos

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

An image of the White House in Washington DC
White House in Washington DC

An image of a map extract showing the geography of the Galapagos Islands due west of Ecuador
Galapagos Islands due west of Ecuador

We took a nine week trip in the USA and Ecuador, starting in South Carolina and ending up in the Galapagos............

We spent seven weeks visiting the many tourist attractions along the route covering Southern Carolina, Washington, Vegas, San Francisco, Hawaii, LA and ending up in the Mexico before going onto Ecuador for two weeks.

Link to still image montage of our Carolinas to Galapagos trip:-

To view the video select:-

South Carolina to Mexico

Having accumulated untaken holidays at work, we took a sabbatical during the summer of 2011. Initially the family gathered in Washington for a few days sight-seeing, then headed down to an amazing rented house on Virginia Beach for two weeks rest and relaxation. As they all headed home and back to work, we started on an amazing trip comprising a combination of city breaks and beach holidays – an ideal mix for us.

Vegas is Vegas, everyone has to visit at least once. The Venetian Hotel was very different with architectural hints of Venice and the constant hustle and bustle of the casino. A helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon National Park was truly “awesome” – as the Americans say.

San Francisco feels quite like a European city with its own micro climate. A trip around Alcatraz brought us back to a different time and reminded us of all the ‘Escape from Alcatraz’ films watched over the years. The obligatory cycle across the Golden Gate Bridge, down to Sausalito and Tiburon left us bow-legged for a few days.

The Hawaiian islands of O’ahu (with its capital Honolulu) and Maui are very different, with the latter being significantly more laid back. Until our visit, we hadn’t appreciated the strong Japanese influence, with many of the restaurant menus written in both languages. A tour of Pearl Harbour is very poignant.

A few days in Los Angeles, visiting all the well-known sites, left us ready for a leisurely few days in Cancun, Mexico. Snorkelling in the Punta Nizuc area, a round of golf and a day trip to Chichen Itza, an amazing heritage site built by the Maya in 600-900AD, were the key high-lights.

On Ambergris Caye off Belize we stayed in idyllic beach huts, a few meters from the waters-edge. From there we took a day-trip to dive in the Blue Hole, an extraordinary experience, and another activity off the bucket list, but be sure to bring mosquito spray, as they were out in force.

Back to Mexico to Playa del Carmen, which has an altogether more bohemian feel about it, and a few days reading our books on the beach before we headed to Quito via Panama and then onto our amazing adventure around the Galapagos.

Sense of South Carolina to Mexico

If you have the time, a big trip like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The combination of city tours and beach breaks doesn’t allow for boredom to set in. Having English and a smattering of Spanish makes conversing and getting-around simple. The variety of experiences and cultures is what made this trip memorable.

Recommendations for South Carolina to Mexico

Once you get your schedule of flights sorted, it is then very easy to search for and book your own accommodation using one or the many search engines. Back in 2011 was our favourite. It is also advisable to book certain trips etc in advance, such as, the helicopter trip of the Grand Canyon, a Vegas Show and the trip to Alcatraz.

A cost effective way to get to and from your hotel in both the US and Mexico, is to avail of the shared shuttle/ mini bus service.

Our must see recommendation for a trip from South Carolina, USA to Mexico

(1) There is loads to see in Washington – museums, art galleries, the White House, Arlington Cemetery etc

(2) The helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon was awesome

(3) A Vegas Show – Phantom of the Opera was wonderful

(4) The trip to Alcatraz was poignant

(5) The day tour to Chichen Itza was memorable.

Link to still image montage of our Galapagos trip:-

Review of Quito and the Galapagos, Ecuador

We visited in August 2011 for a 10 day period. The climate was Equatorial cool and it was really ideal for open air trips and excursions as the islands lie right on top of the equator.

In considering a trip to the Galapagos we decided on taking a guided island hopping cruise ship holiday, in the dry season. The weather is fairly similar throughout the year as it lies on the Equator and it is only the currents that tend to change the waters and air temperature. There are 19 islands in all in the archipelago.

The entire trip comprised two nights in Quito staying in a hotel in the old town, an internal flight from Quito to Baltra airport which brought us out to the islands circa 600 miles due west of the Ecuador coast and a seven day trip around the islands on the M/V Isabela II.

We spent our final day back in Quito before flying onto Panama.

Sense of Quito and the Galapagos, Ecuador

The official currency is $US dollars.

Our general experience of the indigenous Ecuadorian people was that they are very small, friendly and unbelievably laid back and casual.

On the Galapagos, animal life comes first, so in this undisturbed animal sanctuary, the animals know no fear of humans. Conservation is the main priority in the Galapagos, with people's interests being secondary to that of the animals.

Galapagos is the first ever World Heritage site.

Recommendations for Quito and the Galapagos, Ecuador.

There is a language barrier, if you speak only English. So it lends itself to undertaking only guided tours unless of course, you have good Spanish.

Large or small, all ships have to anchor off and then passengers only gain access to the island via smaller rigid inflatable boats.

The photographic opportunities are everywhere so even if you do not have an interest in photography, definitely try your hand at it.

Try to get your energy levels high before you take the trip as you get most out of it if you are actively involved in the island visits.

Our must see recommendation for a trip to Quito and the Galapagos, Ecuador:-

(1) Our visit to the Galapagos Islands was the highlight of our entire trip and indeed my overall personal stand-out trip of all undertaken to date;

(2) Our second choice would be the centre of the earth park (El Ciudad Mitad del Mundo), north of Quito, the capital of Ecuador. You can straddle the equatorial line, leaving one leg in the Northern hemisphere and the other leg in the Southern Hemisphere.

(3) Our equal second would be taking the cable car in Quito city (already at a height of 2400m above sea level) up to the extinct volcano mountain tops above the city which start at a height of 4100m above sea level.

As always, the people we met on the trip, enriched the whole experience. A special call-out for the Naturalists on-board the Isabela II is warranted for their expertise and enthusiasm.

Cost of trip from Carolinas to Mexico circa Euro 5000 per person.

Cost of trip to Quito and the Galapago circa Euro 4000 per person.

“You should travel away from home, to really appreciate the value of what you have at home, on your return.”

An image of a Map showing the geographic locations of the cities visited
Map showing the geographic locations of the cities visited

An image of a Map showing the geographic location of Quito and the Galapagos Islands
Map showing the geographic location of Quito and the Galapagos Islands

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