Our site is a travel experience blog about world-wide vacation and holiday destinations, along with, travel tips and recommendations from an Irish, Dublin couple's perspective URL:- https://www.justretired50plus.com
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How to get the most out of your vacation

Vacation length and best usage
The best time to visit the Caribbean is between December and April inclusive. The period of May until November can be more prone to inclement weather, however if a traveller is willing to take a chance, they can be lucky with the weather during their stay and they will experience reduced pricing in this is out of the high season vacation period.
According to official statistical sources up to 70% of average Americans take only seven days holiday or less at any one time each year. This is in contrast to an average European holiday duration of twice that of their American equivalents. These figures correlate neatly with the amount of paid holidays that employees receive in both America and Europe.
With this information as a backdrop to any vacation in the Caribbean, it is all the more important to make the most out of each day on vacation.
Our vacation day types matrix below is based on a visitor staying at an all-inclusive hotel location anywhere in the Caribbean.

Your most difficult decision each day on a Caribbean holiday is which of our suggested day types you want to pursue. Or, maybe you want to mix it up and create a new day type that suits you more specifically. Phew, who knew that vacationing could be such hard work !
Our guiding principle is to get up early and seize each day.
Of course the usual disclaimers apply:-
- You should enjoy more if you are able to swim;
- You should enjoy more if you have the required level of physical ability;
- You should have an acceptable level of physical fitness;
- You must be willing to learn;
- You should relax and enjoy the whole experience.