Our site is a travel experience blog about world-wide vacation and holiday destinations, along with, travel tips and recommendations from an Irish, Dublin couple's perspective URL:- https://www.justretired50plus.com
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Our top 10 tips for senior travellers

Our 10 top tips for senior travellers
(1) Take it easy. (travel can be a lot of fun, but be sure not to push yourself too far.....)
(2) Don’t sweat the small stuff. (Travel can be stressful enough without adding additional
(3) Stay in touch. (You can find WiFi in the most unexpected places........keep others in the loop)
(4) Pack the necessities. (Don’t over pack........)
(5) Be safe. (Security matters even when you are on holidays.......)
(6) Get insurance. (Important for travellers of any age, but more especially for the older
(7) Watch what you eat. (Like it or not, your tummy is probably not what it once was.........)
(8) Keep the bling to a minimum. (Costume jewellery and cheap watches should be the
(9) Look after your feet. (It is the wrong time to wear ill-fitting shoes. Leave the fashion until you
get home again........)
(10) Treat your medication as you would your money and passport. Never pack them in checked
What not to do on a holiday ?
(1) Expect that things will be the same in your holiday destination as they are at home !
(2) Blow your budget !
(3) Be in-flexible in outlook !
(4) Pack a load of stuff you will never use on the holiday !
​(5) Insufficient planning ahead !
(6) Expect to use cash everywhere !
(7) Stay in bed late !
(8) Travel without insurance !
(9) Have no photocopy of your passport and don’t use the hotel room safes !
(10) Forget the portable chargers and plug adapters
What to do on a holiday
(1). Plan and budget well before you go, look for deals and offers !
(2). Bring plenty of bug spray !
(3). Have secure plastic access to your money !
(4). Have more than one way of accessing your money !
(5). Hire local guides ! ​
(6). Be willing to try new things !
(7). Take tons of photos and back them up !
(8). If you get an opportunity to exercise, take it !
(9). Buy sealed bottled water !
(10). Protect yourself from the elements !